Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 12 of Michelle in Belize

This morning we got up and headed to Isla Bonita Elementary School to do professional development with some of their teachers. Our sessions were one literacy and creative writing. My session dealt with graphic organizers and how to use them in the classroom. We only had 4 teachers in our sessions, but they seemed very grateful that we were there. They asked us relevant questions and participated in the activities. As usual it was HOT!!! We had no AC in the conference room and between that and the1.5 mile walk to/from the school I was drenched. We did stop for a cappuccino smoothie and it was extremely refreshing.

Several of us stopped by the hotel to freshen up and get our bikes before heading over to New Horizon Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Primary School where we did another session of professional development. Before beginning the workshop, the principal came in to introduce himself and lead us in prayer and a song. During the song we went around and shook hands with each other. The process was very similar to being in church. This session was about the same as the first except two of the doctoral students presented PD on classroom management. I didn’t feel as though these teachers were as engaged as the others, but after thinking I feel the group should have been split up due to more teachers participating.  I think if they had been in a smaller group then they would have felt more comfortable asking questions and sharing their ideas. We had fun though and I think they took away some good ideas; we also gave away door prizes, which was nice.
After the workshop we headed back home on our bikes, but I found it “necessary” to stop and get a fresh baked cinnamon roll at a local bakery. This was the BEST cinnamon roll I’ve ever had, and it was huge. I only ate ½ and will finish the other half after completing this blog for the day. I was so tired from walking, biking, and the heat, that I went inside my room around 4:00 and slept until 8:00. I missed dinner with the other students, but I was wiped out. When I woke up I went to the hotel restaurant and found 2 of the doctoral students, so I ate with them. My meal consisted of garlic shrimp, vegetables, and rice; it was very yummy!!! Oh, I had a visitor who wanted to share my dinner. 

My visitor!!!
My final event for the day is trying to complete this blog. I'm extremely frustrated because my pictures/videos will not load. I’m pretty sure that they are too large because I’ve been taking them with my iPhone. When I was uploading them from my camera I did not have this problem. With that being said, I will upload the related pictures at a later time. Stay tuned for Day 13….the day I pack!!!

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