Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 8 of Michelle in Belize

Today was probably the best day so far, because I went into a private elementary school called Isle Bonita and was able to observe 2nd grade (Standard I) students. First, we arrived at school around 8:15 after walking about 1.5 miles (no bikes today, but I will have one tomorrow). With the heat and exercise I was soaking wet by the time I got to work. School started at 8:30 and we all went into the courtyard to say the school prayer all together. Afterwards the students and staff recited the school pledge and any birthdays were recognized. 

Prayer and Pledge

Students playing basketball before school starts.

The bell rang at 8:30 for all students to report to class and the learning began. Inside the 14 ft. x 16 ft room was 15 students, a student teacher from UNC-W, me and the teacher; we had no AC because it was broken. I was really the only one that was having trouble dealing with the heat, and the teacher just went right on with her math lesson. During the lesson on standard and non-standard measurement I heard some great conversation between the teacher and the students. The students were so eager to participate and excited about learning, and the questioning from the teacher definitely activated their prior knowledge. The classroom management was quiet different that what I am use to as a teacher and assistant principal. There was a rule that called for students to raise their hands before speaking out or answering a question, but it was not enforced by the teacher. We have been asked to do some professional development and one of the sessions will be on classroom management.  I found out that one of the students who if 10 years old had never been to school before this year. Also, these 2nd graders ranged in ages from 7-11. 

Around 10:00 we took a 30 minute break where a bell rang and the students just went out on their own, except for the students that had not completed their work; they only went out when they had finished. During the break the cafeteria was open and I had tacos and rice milk which was wonderful. The kids here eat horrible snacks that are not nutritious. During the break the students were unsupervised and the teachers either worked in their room or stood around talking. After break, content teach continued and once again there was great conversation and the teacher had excellent wait time with the students. We went outside to conduct a scavenger hunt for non-living and living things. The students had a great time being a "scientist". After science we had an hour for lunch where some of the students went home for lunch, some parents brought lunch for the child, students had brought food from home
The school has around 112 students, 8 teachers with one being the assistant principal, 2 cafeteria workers, and a principal. There were no custodians, secretaries, media specialists, or electives teachers.

Children waiting in line for lunch at the cafeteria window 

UNC-W student teacher helping a group of 2nd graders

Students are eating lunch at picnic tables. A lot of the students go home for their hour long lunch. 

Lunch consisted of cucumbers, rice/beans, fried chicken and ketchup on the side. 
 After work we rested and then ended the day with a nice dinner at Calienta's which consisted of chicken/pineapple and fish tacos. 

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