Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 5 of Michelle in Belize

Well today is the day we are leaving San Ignacio and going to San Pedro. I am definitely glad to be leaving, but as I reflect it has been almost a life changing experience. After the ATM cave tour, I know that I can do anything I set my mind to. Also, I realized that teamwork is one of the most important aspects of accomplishing anything. I could not have made it through the cave without the other group members being so helpful and encouraging!!!!

My final breakfast was at Flayva's and once again it was most tasteful. I did get a chance to talk to the parrot that lives there. As you can probably tell by now, animals are free to roam around everywhere. After breakfast we checked out of the Plaza Hotel and said goodbye to the nice couple that owned the hotel and started off to the zoo.
Me and the parrot

Sever at Flayva's with the parrot

Me with the couple that owns the Plaza Hotel

My luggage weighed around 75 lbs so I paid someone to carry my bag. 

Once at the zoo I was sooooooo happy!!!  The restrooms were a little primitive and the zoo was small, but it was amazing. All animals were native to Belize and you could get up close and personal. The first thing was to hold a boa constrictor. All the animals were amazing and the zoo's animals are mostly rescues. I did learn that Junior Buddy, a famous jaguar that was saved, was there and we got to see him. There is a book about him, so I got it for Madison, my niece.
Self explanatory 

Me with the boa constrictor

After leaving the zoo we headed to Belize City to get on the water taxi which would take us to San Pedro. We started off with about 60 passengers, dropped off a few at a stop, picked up several, and ended up with about 100 people on a fairly small boat.
Water taxi port in Belize City

Inside the water taxi

Sting ray that I saw as I got off the taxi

Everyone waiting for luggage

After 2 hours of travel we arrived on the island of San Pedro which is so beautiful I can't describe. The first thing I saw was a jelly fish in the water. Of course my luggage weighed too much so three of us got a taxi to the hotel. The hotel is actually nice and we have our own private room and bathroom. Once unpacking and resting some, a group of us went to a restaurant called Caliente's. I had chicken and pineapple tacos and fish tacos which were as wonderful as all the other food has been. Next, we walked around and I turned in early for some down time.


  1. I'm glad the food is great! Can not believe you held a boa constrictor

  2. You are braver than I'll ever be!!!!

  3. I hope you are having a great time Ms. Bennett the trip looks so cool!!!!!!!
